
Summer Music

Longing for the summer on these cold winter days. Warm, moist air stagnant in the sun. Shorts, a tee, sandals. Music all around – kicking through cracks in car windows, blasting out of bars, jamming on a street corner....

Her head nodded and her body shook, rings on her fingers and bells on her shoes. Our eyes met and we didn't say much until later over a late night, illogical cup of coffee. She laughed and I thought I'd hardly notice the humidity that July.

Unscheduled days, waking up and playing it by ear, barefoot on grass eating brie on bread, drinking red wine in the heat. Walking miles around the city, hydrating, stopping into record stores. Sometimes she bought and sometimes she stole.


we knew from the start 
that things fall apart,

intentions don't exist when people are unattached, possessionless, roaming a city in the summer without regard to wherever, whoever's next.

She never cared about labels and neither did I. I used to speculate about her whereabouts – San Francisco, Rotterdam, Perth – I knew I'd never know....

Breathing in that cold, dry air on a frigid neighborhood walk. Winterized houses, sealed shut, don't allow sound to escape.

(Click here for a song not quoted in the above story.)


  1. The rights for song quotations are expensive, so not quoting it was a very good idea! The story is trippy, and only because you played with italics and paragraphing. It's kinetic prose. I hope that isn't supposed to be a grim ending.

  2. Thanks for your comment, John! About the rights for song quotations, I've never given this much thought, but I would think it's only an issue if I were selling something that included said quotes? Not sure ... can you recommend a good, cheap (by cheap I mean gratis) lawyer, just in case?

  3. Reminds me of the days when music was more important than anything - the same days when getting a few illicit thrills convinced one that one was in love!

    1. Hi, Mazzz! Thanks for stopping by and thanks for your comment, those are certainly the days I had in mind when I wrote this one.

  4. There is a lot going on in this Richard, making us "read between the lines" and I love that because the backstory is different for every reader. Great one!

    1. Thanks, Deanna! I love that you were able to find meaning in this one, and I hope you're right that other readers would too.

  5. Theres a lot of hidden story in this piece. It sorta takes me back to early 70's when music played an important role in how one expressed their life.

    As always nice visual writing Richard.

    1. Thank you, Helen! I'm loving people's responses to this piece, it's nice to know that the narrator's scattered memories brought back real memories for you and others.

  6. I feel a great sense of yearning and loss in this piece, the short sentences enhance the emotion running through it.

    1. Great to know that the style of the piece worked for you, Steve. Thanks for reading and for your comment!

  7. This is very good writing. You encapsulate the sealed-in suffocation of winter and make me yearn for those opened-up, hear your neighbours laughing kind of days. There's a lot of melancholy in #fridayflash this week, but yours is so beautifully crafted and poetic.

    1. Justin, I'm so humbled by your comments! Thanks for reading, and double thanks for making my day! I love those days too, by the way, and they're certainly hard to come by during a cold winter.
