
Like Gold

We are alive. It's all we know. We don't think about it as we breathe in and out. We don't think about it as we walk down the street in the sunshine or hustle to get out of the rain. But we are alive and making decisions: who to defend, which initiatives to support, what's best for our families and our planet. We argue about what matters. We divide our limited time. We work for love or money or both, we join clubs, we volunteer, we attend weddings and funerals and baby showers. We party. We entertain ourselves in many ways, some free and others costly. We wake up and go back to sleep. We alternately stimulate our minds or kill brain cells. Our decisions are our own as we inhale and exhale. We live moment to moment.


  1. Almost robotic lives...... but what can we do but live whatever that means to each of us.

  2. And we still live guided by what people tell us when can and can't do.

  3. Isn't moment to moment the only way anyone lives? The past and future don't exist, only the present.
